I hope they help my students to take ownership for their behavior and education. )”  However, when they get down to what about it the kids love, the argument breaks down. What a terrifying way to spend your day as a child, always on the watch for getting zapped, and how awful to turn a teacher into a zapper. After I started using the Class Dojo app, I noticed an immediate change in the behavior of my class, including my challenging student Erick. I sent the papers home and got about 3% of parents to sign up. Sometimes we fail, but the getting back up and recovering from a failure is often better than getting it right in the first place. "Fair does not mean the same". The child will only stay there for about 1 or 2 minutes - use an egg timer so they don't stay too long. Now I am just offended that you pretend to know how I teach, what rapport I have with my students and the connections I make to ensure success for each one of them. Parents messaging on ClassDojo : TeachingUK For example, my son has mentioned a girl in his class who is bossy and tries to tell him what to do. Now I keep class dojo connected to the smart board at all times. Most of colleagues are using Dojo based on the matrices for positive reinforcement only. But for most children, who are not delayed or have no behavioral problems, this is a way to give positive feedback frequently and in a way that can be backed up at home. As the new school year is beginning, it is critical to have good classroom management. We know it is a very safe (emotional and physical) place. Not completely swayed, but it is giving me things to think about. Let’s imagine that it is not your best day, or worse, it is a terrible day. To use just one example that is topical for the ClassDojo founders, Twitter and Facebook took a very different stance with regard to user privacy. We have studied and discussed excerpts of “Mindset” in PD sessions at my school, so I am definitely familiar with her work. For example, right before the break students had to earn a class total of 150 points in order to have a holiday party. Even if the points are not being changed regularly, your attention is now divided - pulling your thinking and attention away from learning. How Do Teachers Differentiate Between ClassDojo and Remind ... Class Dojo is completely free for users. His attitude towards school changed, he was more interested in learning than acting in a particular manner. To be creative, you have to back off of yourself in a way that permits the full engagement of certain unconscious mental processes—processes that generate unusual associations and new ideas. I find no value in the tool It allows for public shaming of students. I would never project the app for the whole class to see. Buzzy the bumblebee Not robots. I understand that that does not make me an expert. When a student looses a point, I will be discussing with them why they lost the point and how to correct the behavior.This will be done in a personal setting, not in front of the others. We have only ever heard what a great kid he is, sweet, kind, good hearted. There are so many instances where a child may do well, make a mistake, or have trouble. What a way to take a student that may be struggling and have them give up. Alesha Bishop is a tech-savvy mom and a consultant for edtech companies. 2. Works great for little kids that still respect and want to please authority. I wrote a post some months ago about using sticker charts, and I received many similar comments and arguments. I hope your year gets better! That’s why it has such a robust messaging widget. The more negatives my son receives the worse he gets through the day. When kids are playing games for education they are in control of the game. I honestly, never needed one. I frequently hear it recommended by teachers at all grade levels, but am not familiar with it personally. However even without parent support it seemed to transform my classroom. I highly recommend one book that educator should read, Why We Do What We Do by Edward Deci. Protecting dignity is definitely key to keep in mind whenever we speak to kids. Since his peers weren't going to put up with it, he cared that much more. It's an excellent tool to keep track of student behavior, attendance, and to connect with parents. Years of reserach showed that praise does not build self-esteem; in fact, it actually jeapordizes it. My child had 33% negative last week and 43% negative this week. I mean, would you not inevitably have to say, “Stop making fart noises and please pay attention.” And would that not obviously draw attention to the fact that the child in question was not on task? I see behavior charts as going along a similar path in my school. 80 percent of the parents had viewed our classroom videos before school was out. I’d be interested to hear your thoughts and opinions on gamification in the classroom. The previous part of this blog looks at using the software for behaviour management, but focuses on poor behaviour and tackling that. You have me all wrong. Remind children that freedoms and choices are privileges. All three pieces have generated a stream of … We want our children to do the right thing because it is the right thing, not because it will earn them a treat. She equates at 80 to a 2 on a 4 point scale. It is a daily process for me, and some days are better than others. The more I thought about it, the more I put myself in that child’s shoes, and realized that the teacher has the ability to make a child feel big or small with just a few simple words. All I see happening is a community of supportive learners being proud not only of themselves, but of their peers. I totally agree!! Written in a frank but engaging style, Debugging provides simple, foolproof principles guaranteed to help find any bug quickly. This book makes those shelves of application-specific debugging books (on C++, Perl, Java, etc.) obsolete. Imagine: Ben is sitting at his desk, working on writing. I would get paid the same amount if I used worksheets instead of interactive lessons, or if I simply didn’t go the extra mile. I communicate with parents through ClassDojo and it works for me. Having a system in place (be it a clip chart or a point system) gives them feedback. My son is in 3rd grade and this is our first encounter with Classroom Dojo. Use children’s literature to discuss classroom behaviours, relationships, and feelings. Our jobs are linked to testing scores. All of us parents believe our child is the greatest, as they should, and in many ways they are ... but we are not sitting in the classroom with them. No wonder so many kids are home schooled. ClassDojo. I have worked really hard (and continue to work really hard) and using concrete, specific “noticings” with children. I think the system puts the teacher in charge because the teacher is the one who decides when a clip is moved, a point is added, etc. If you look at the solution, when calling dojo declare method, the class created needs to be instantiated (this is because dojo looks at properties and not prototype). I have been a teacher who loves my students and my job for the past 12 years and have NEVER had behavior problems in my classroom. I love that parents can view their child’s behavior everyday. The rule about not turning around on the bus, you must sit forward and not talk to someone behind you, really?? I personally use it for my K class and they love it as do the parents. I'm a first year teacher in a special education 5th grade class and the behavior system I was using just wasn't cutting it. If behaviour is a skill, like reading, we cannot blame or shame a child who struggles with it. His teacher typically gives 8-15 points per kid per day. They can handle these feelings appropriately and safely, and they can set goals to improve. I have been a ClassDojo mentor for a couple of years now and have seen many teachers jump on the Dojo bandwagon. My son recently started at a new school that uses ClassDojo. What is the difference with rewarding children?”  Yes, I do get paid for my job. After implementing this tool with my group that kept me on my toes, I noticed SIGNIFICANT changes in the behaviors that were being demonstrated. Here’s the thing though; ClassDojo is just a high-tech behavior chart. Teachers can use a smartphone, tablet or computer to give or take away points throughout the school day. They use an iPad or the Smartboard to do this throughout the school day. Ben Williamson. I want my students to learn from their mistakes, make better decisions, and understand consequences, both good and bad, for their actions. That is the question! I agree completely. But I really am hoping to get more people thinking and talking about it. What kind of children are we trying to raise? What is Classroom Dojo is really doing to children’s focus and engagement? My son used to LOVE school; he's gone to the Nurses office 4 times this year with a stomach ache wanting to come home. The main problem IMO is that teachers using the dojo system tend to stop thinking. It puts learning in a video game. The point system is intended to encourage students to maintain positive behaviours and to moderate any negative behaviours. What concerns me is the amount of time a teacher must be spending each day plugging in data on their i-phone or other device for every single student. One “score” at the end of the day does not give a lot of information about the specifics, and it does not give a child credit for what they did well. There is a whole body of research in social psychology that explains human behavior much differently. I think about this often. It is for teachers who do not wish to connect with their students. Trying to identify for kids the pride THEY may feel after doing something well is also a great alternative. When students are making good choices, I give them a point, which shows up on the screen if I am projecting my computer. Let me explain. Last year, my 3rd Graders did excellent with the clip chart that moved down for negative behaviors and up for positive behaviors. I would feel belittled, no desire to work harder after seeing that big nasty red bad point. She's had two children already pass through our and while they were overall good kids, like most they had their bad days. I'd like to say that I'm sorry for all of the children who have been negatively affected by this program. The comments I see above want us to give approval all the time, even when it is not earned or deserved. What works for Shae probably doesn’t work for Angelica. Does it encourage him to do good or does it make him feel hopeless? I would have been very concerned about ensuring that my points stayed where I wanted them, and I would have been checking often to see how I was doing – pulling my thinking and attention away from learning. Parents never looked at their charts – there was no buy in by students and/or parents. I never take away points that have been so eagerly earned. According to T able 2, the level of opinions of middle school students towards Class Dojo education. this app was introduced to my daughter's 1st grade class and I love it. I absolutely hate this app! (…and they were right…). What can I do to improve my behavior or what should I keep doing well? I say all of this to look at the reality of education. They’re not worried about accumulating or losing something based on arbitrary teacher decisions. This will contain the widget type that we will be using. Check out our contact page. 1 in 6 U.S. families with a child under 14 use ClassDojo every day. She explains that she just sits there and doesn't talk all day. I have not read it all the way through though – thanks for the reminder to do so. Anyway, we shall see. Those days, she appears sad and expresses that she didn't enjoy school that day. They need the visual. Use ClassDojo to record … Building children that are self motivated, that do the right thing simply because it is the right thing, and that treat others with patience and respect is a long, complicated job. My expectations and the ways I use Class Dojo are clearly outlined for parents before school starts and I refer to them throughout the year. Now, with more experience and knowledge under my belt, I am able to explain why I do not use them, and why I believe they will not help students. I initially learned all about behavioral psychology in college, learning about how Pavlov trained dogs to drool when he rang a bell, just by pairing food with the sound. It was made by a colleague as a welcome gift and I was told I would “need” it and how to “use” it. The points are being used as a punishment system rather than as an incentive […], […] immediate and vociferous, with many voices on either side. I feel it helps me realize if there is someone I am not giving specific positive praise. Yes kids enjoy games, digital tools, the graphics in CLass Dojo and even the sounds but kids enjoy many things that are not best for them.
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