Prerequisite(s): admission to teacher education program. 3 Credit Hours. 3 Credit Hours. 3 Credit Hours. Prerequisite(s): May be taken more than once for credit if topics vary. While at Galveston on 7 November, Texas Governor Oscar Colquitt presented the ship's silver service to Captain Grant. Many Army officers did not recognize the value of prelanding bombardments. Born in Schertz, Texas, May 9, 1929 she was the daughter to Walter A. and Edwina Schmidt Seiler. Discover basic concepts, tasks, methods, and techniques in data mining, and analyze data mining problems and their solutions. Public Administration. 3 Credit Hours. [47], On 7 June, the battleship received word that the Ranger battalion at Pointe Du Hoc was still isolated from the rest of the invasion force with low ammunition and mounting casualties; in response, Texas obtained and filled two LCVPs[51] with provisions and ammunition for the Rangers. READ 3335. 3 Credit Hours. Human Cognitive Processes. Analyze case studies and histories of specific terrorist organizations, justifications for violence, and terrorist targets. Environmental Policy. Great! Leading and Learning with Technology. 3 Credit Hours. History of Rhetoric. POLI 4302. Intro to Cross Cultural Learn. The laboratory will focus on microbial growth and bacterial identification. Spanish and English will be spoken in this class. Prerequisite(s): 6 hours of HIST or permission of department chair. Prerequisite(s): ACCT 4305 or permission of department chair. 3 Credit Hours. MATH 3360. Private Pilot. Social Psychological Processes. 4 Credit Hours. Study archaeology and physical anthropology with the use of evidence gleaned from human skeletal remains. 3 Credit Hours. (WI) Develop and apply historical research and writing skills through the exploration of selected topics. ECON 3302. Prerequisite(s): Admission to teacher education block 1. It provides an intensive review of composition principles, language conventions, literary genres, and computer instructional technology. Major events covered include: the Bolshevik Revolution, official cultural policies, World War II, the Cold War, the fall of Communism, transition to Capitalism, resurgent nationalism, and post-Communist political movements. RELS 3300. 3 Credit Hours. 1-3 Credit Hours. Leadership of Human Resources. Students in this course become acquainted with both the theories and practices that underlie and drive this valuable intellectual work, including pedagogical philosophies, tutor training, faculty outreach, assessment, reporting, budgeting, etc. Examine historical evidence and recorded documents to understand the role aviation has played in world events. SOWK 3310. This course helps students in creating and evaluating visualizations to be employed for various purposes and help decision-makers. Managerial emphasis will be placed on effectively conducting operations and services for both service-based and manufacturing-based industries. MUSI 3313. This course provides an opportunity for students to develop an increased understanding and appreciation for the principles of cardiovascular training through direct participation in this style of training. Educational Leadership Comprehensive Examination. Special emphasis on efficiency, readability, maintainability, advanced design and analysis techniques, advanced data structures, and graph algorithms. 3 Credit Hours. MGMT 4356. Comprehensive Examination. Engage in a continuation of PSYC 5300 and PSYC 5301 and students are required to demonstrate proficiency in SPSS for data analysis. Research and analyze real-world political phenomena and problems. 3 Credit Hours. 3 Credit Hours. Development & Change for Learning Organizations. Counseling Problems. Comparisons between humans and other species, and between different human cultures will be included. Fundamentals of Program Evaluation. If you’re ready to pursue a career as an airline pilot come visit our pilot school near Dallas, TX and our team of flight instructors we’ll help you get there. Certification Fee - $150. Prerequisite(s): ENGL 5374, 24 hours of graduate credit and permission of department chair. The 6 April declaration of war found Texas riding at anchor in the mouth of the York River with the other Atlantic Fleet battleships. 4 Credit Hours. Prerequisite(s): Passing scores on the BTLPT – Spanish (Bilingual Target Language Proficiency Test-Spanish), EDUC 3325, EDUC 3315, READ 3311 and READ 3335. 3 Credit Hours. Explore current research in the area of web-based applications and will use technology in communicating, collaborating, conducting research, and solving problems that typically arise in learning environments. Texas Financial Management. BUSI 5359. Business Strategy Seminar. 3 Credit Hours. Cross listed with RELS 5320; only one may be taken for credit. SOWK 4320. Private Lesson Instruction V. 2 Credit Hours. Review up-to-date empirical research on learning and teaching in a variety of contexts. 4 Credit Hours. Prerequisite(s): none. Legal Environment of Business. 3 Credit Hours. MFT 5394. 3 Credit Hours. ENGT 3213. Examines theories, processes and “fit” models of organization design and alignment of structure, technology, information systems, reward systems, people and culture, and management processes with organizational goals. Learn the file and data management principles underlying database construction. Learn to teach video, graphics, and animation in K-12 Technology Applications classes. Integrate academic study with work experience that is relevant to a major or minor. Managing Maintenance Organizations and People. Studies in Rhetoric. 3 Credit Hours. ENGL 3303. Reading Research and Assessment. This course addresses the theory and practice of teaching early reading. 3 Credit Hours. 3 Credit Hours. Religious Terrorism. CRIJ 5307. 3 Credit Hours. Prerequisite(s): Admission to program. Prerequisite(s): Required accounting leveling or permission of instructor. Prerequisite(s): DRAM 4310. 3 Credit Hours. COMM 3304. [10], By noon, the assault on Omaha Beach was in danger of collapsing due to stronger than anticipated German resistance and the inability of the Allies to get needed armor and artillery units on the beach. Register for the comprehensive examination during final semester of graduate coursework, or upon permission of advisor. Basic concepts in algebra, geometry, calculators and computers, metric system and measurement, and probability and statistics. (WI) A field-based course surveying characteristics of the transitional/independent literacy learner, methods of instruction for writing, strategy building, comprehension, vocabulary, word identification, utilizing the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills. ACCT 3387. Investigate selected topics within the field of anthropology. Prerequisite(s): ENGL 1301. Professional Development in Learner Centered Schools. Social Media as Mass Media. 3 Credit Hours. Classroom Teaching Internship. Special emphasis placed on skeletal trauma, and pathology to determine cause and manner of death. This course is a study of Web Scripting languages and will cover many aspects of creating dynamic Web Sites using server-side and client-side scripting. Students are encouraged to take SOCI 4316 before or in conjunction with this course. 3 Credit Hours. RELS 5315. This course introduces various classroom organizational strategies, offers preservice teachers ideas for effective classroom management, and develops an understanding of the value of collaborating within the school community. 3 Credit Hours. 10144 20311 32083 72580 108573. HLS 5303. ANTH 4317. Prerequisite(s): 3 hours ECON. Known as the “Texas Capital Chapter”, MOPH Chapter 1919 is the 2nd largest chapter in Texas (with over 580 combat wounded veteran members), and the 7th largest in the United States. MGMT 4371. Prerequisite(s): SOWK 4300. Topics include sets and logic, combinations, probability, relations and functions, Boolean properties, and graph theory. EDUC 5385. Elementary Music Experience. Study the Philosophy of Comprehensive Emergency Management (CEM) with its four phases of preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery. Topics In Mathematics Theory. MFT 5302. 3 Credit Hours. Special emphasis on early native civilizations, especially the Maya and Aztec, as well as the incursion of the Spanish and the conquest and colonization of Mexico. Explore Texas history from the Spanish colonial period to the present. Prerequisite(s): COUN 5393 and permission of Practicum/Internship Director. [60] Texas's commanding officer, Captain Baker, escaped unhurt and quickly had the bridge cleared. Explore the distinctive body of statutes, treaties, regulation and case law related to general aviation. Services Marketing. Anthropology of Religion. Addictions Counseling. [10], Due to the intensity of the situation, Texas put to sea on 13 May and headed directly to operational duty without benefit of the usual shakedown cruise and post-shakedown repair period. 3 Credit Hours. 3 Credit Hours. Behavioral Statistics. Prerequisite(s): CIS 3347 or permission of department chair. This course is designed to provide students with extensive practical experience related to Sandtray as a therapeutic intervention for children, adolescents, adults, and families. The topics will include Convexity, Extreme Points, Linear Programming for efficiency of mixtures, transportation, and other economic models. This course is cross-listed with ANTH 5310, and only one may be taken for credit. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 2301 and MATH 1314 or MATH 1342 or permission of department chair. 3 Credit Hours. At 06:26, Texas shifted her main battery gunfire to the western edge of Omaha Beach, around the town of Vierville. 3 Credit Hours. The calculus of two dimensional vectors, parametric equations, cylindrical and spherical coordinates, multivariable differential calculus, directional derivatives and their applications, multiple integration, vector analysis, line and surface integrals, Green's Theorem, Stokes' Theorem. In April 1930, she took time from her operating schedule to escort Leviathan into New York when that ship carried the returning US delegation to the London Naval Conference. Analyze laws and litigation that affect the education of students with disabilities. ENGL 4330. [10], The young news reporter Walter Cronkite was on board Texas starting in Norfolk, Virginia, through her service off the coast of North Africa, and thence back to the US. AVSC 4395. Scheduled when the student is ready to begin the thesis. ENGL 5385. Explore the basic biological concepts of immunology. Study the evolution, concepts, and design aspects used in aircraft development. Cases drawn from areas such as corporate finance, investments, international finance, and personal finance. Selected Topics in European History. Prerequisite(s): Junior or senior standing and admission to the Teacher Education Program and permission of the instructor and Curriculum and Instruction Program Coordinator. History Problems. Engage in independent reading and research on selected topics within social work. Energy Technologies. SOWK 4300. Examine laws impacting the regulatory environment of business such as consumer protection, environment, anti-trust, and securities law. Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3301 and BUSI 3301. Prerequisite(s): None. 0 Credit Hours. ENGL 4337. CIS 4375. Concept of temperature, equations of state; the first and the second law of thermodynamics; entropy; change of phase; the thermodynamics functions. MGMT 4340. MILS 4389. Found inside – Page 100M FLIGHT TRAINING Si INSTRUCTION AIRCRAFT DISPATCHER LICENSE in 6 weeks. ... Norman, OK 73069 (Approved for 1-800-962-4918 Fax* 405-366-6237 Veterans Benefits) FLIGHT SCHOOL CFI GUARANTEED S279500 Usually 14 days including written. Emphasis is on development of supervisory skills in communications, motivation, discipline, morale, and grievances as they arise in superior-subordinate relationships. [56][57], After Texas underwent repairs at Plymouth from damage sustained at Cherbourg, she drilled in preparation for the invasion of southern France. Explore selected topics in state and local history, as well as readings and research in Texas history. NURS 3300. This course is designed to facilitate the development of skills, techniques, understandings, and professional dispositions which are necessary for elementary music educators. 3 Credit Hours. I was requested to make a 290nm xc flight plan from Hanover KOFP to Asheville KAVL (North Carolina), with the examiner weighing 200 pounds, and with 40 pounds of baggage. Learn family systems theory as applied to the study of family dynamics, family development, and the resolution of both family and ethical concerns. Relationship Education. COUN 5393. EDUC 5322. Participate in a management related position with a public or private business organization that is preapproved and supervised. HIST 3361. (WI) Learn the methods of criminological and criminal justice research, with emphasis on research ethics, research design, and methods of data collection and analysis. HRM 5310. Cooperative Education. Hearings - Page 37 As fire support from Texas's guns was no longer required, she departed the southern coast of France on the early morning of 17 August. RELS 3303. POLI 4365 may be repeated once for credit when the author/genre covered differs. Human Osteology. Explore marriage and family therapy theories in relation to treatment of various disorders in adolescence. Apply the elementary forms of statistical processes, including central tendency, variation, the normal curve and Z scores, analysis of variance, regression analysis, and correlations to social science data. This course focuses increasing knowledge and awareness of the importance of selecting appropriate concert band literature for the contest and concert stage. Students may enroll for additional credit hours when topics vary. All comprehensive examinations will be written, but an oral component may also be required. COUN 5350. PSYC 4384. Prerequisite(s): PHYS 1402 or PHYS 2426 or equivalent. CIS 3300. Study current income tax law and regulations with special emphasis on income tax legislation, treasury and court decisions, departmental rulings, income tax problems and returns, social security, and self-employment taxes. Prerequisite(s): COSC 1301 or CIS 3300, or ACCT 2302 or ACCT 2402 or MGMT 3301 or FIN 3301 or MKTG 3314 or BUSI 3311, or permission of department chair. Concert attendance and listening requirements. Prerequisite(s): LIBS 3300 and senior standing. She returned to Scapa Flow the next day and remained until 8 March, when she put to sea on a convoy escort mission from which she returned on 13 March. Application and integration of academic content and development of skills within a criminal justice setting. Examine theory and application of the multimedia application development process. Prerequisite(s): COUN 5350 or permission of department chair. Not covered by any course in the curriculum. No prior programming experience is necessary. 3 Credit Hours. Myth and Ritual. SOCI 4317. 3 Credit Hours. Learn to think historically, understand how historians construct and write about the past, and critically evaluate historical arguments. 3 Credit Hours. [41] During this Pacific period, she served first as flagship for the entire Fleet and, later, as flagship for Battleship Division 1. CIS 3304. Prerequisite(s): Admission to teacher education block 1. READ 5388. ANTH 3305. Study various forms of risk management, characteristics of insurance contracts, government regulatory characteristics, and institutional structures are studied. Prerequisite(s): ACCT 2301. Topics include techniques for planning, organizing, scheduling, and controlling information systems projects. 3 Credit Hours. PSYC 3301. Through this examination, students increase their awareness of the impact of culture and ethics on the research process and evidence-based practice. Particular emphasis will be on the distinctive aspects of public sector organizations and managerial strategies to promote organizational effectiveness and change in these complex environments. 2 Credit Hours. Will include practical laboratories in the analysis, and configuration of networking security protocols and tools. Prerequisite(s): MFT 5301, MFT 5302 and MFT 5351. 3 Credit Hours. Topics include Expert Systems, Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Automatic Programming, heuristic search, and others. Upon completion of this course the students will be able to design and implement applications. Environmental Politics. Topics will vary from year to year. Managing Accounting. Apply tools and techniques for integrated video technology to enhance the learning environment and prepare exemplar videos and lesson plans for future classroom use. Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into Aviation Management program. Examine religious phenomena, and concepts of God, miracles, claims of religion, the problem of evil, and religious ethics. [clarification needed] The invasion fleet then headed south toward Normandy and navigated the German minefield, through which minesweepers had cleared channels; not a single Omaha Beach vessel was lost. [29] Captain Blue, a protege of Navy Secretary Josephus Daniels, was never court-martialed and remained in command of Texas. 3 Credit Hours. Examine religion and religious phenomena from the perspectives, theories, and methods of sociology. 3 Credit Hours. Interpersonal Communication. Study management issues related to business information systems designed to meet the informational needs of the various business subsystems. 4 Credit Hours. 3 Credit Hours. 3 Credit Hours. Students will explore the behavioral aspects of working effectively in the project domain. Research Methods. Focuses on historical and/or linguistic study of the English language. HIST 5380. All comprehensive examinations will be written, but an oral component may also be required. Study the historical, philosophical, and theoretical relationships between the state and the economy. Analyze traditional and current methodologies in design, including computer aided analysis and design tools. Learn the elements of research design and statistical analysis. May be repeated as topics vary. This is a basic license that certifies you for single-engine, non-jet-powered aircraft. Explore theories and research related to sports and exercise behavior. Study the management and use of information and technology as a resource to create competitive organizations, manage global operations, provide useful products and quality services. Special emphasis on the concepts of systems development, security, privacy and ethics associated with information systems. A minimum of 450 hours required to be completed. Study current policy and future political ideology and their impact on care in health organizations. Prerequisite(s): ENGT 3302. Examine selected topics in finance. Prerequisite(s): CIS 4345 or CIS 4346 or approval of department chair. Examines the various types of treatment provided in corrections. [47], At 03:00 on 6 June 1944, Texas and the British cruiser Glasgow entered the Omaha Western fire support lane and arrived at her initial firing position 12,000 yards (11,000 m) offshore near Pointe du Hoc at 04:41, as part of a combined total US-British flotilla of 702 ships, including seven battleships and five heavy cruisers. ACCT 4389. Study health and physical education as they relate to children ages 6-14. For non-biology majors. Visits to museums, galleries, and art collections will be an important component of this class. Prerequisite(s): None. Topics will be selected from linear systems, approximation theory, numerical differential and integral equations, integration theory. 3 Credit Hours. HRM 5090. Comparative Government and Politics. Explore fundamental concepts and tools of research applied to psychological and educational problems. Learn to define program evaluation, the need for program evaluations, and the methods used to conduct evaluations. May be repeated for credit when topics vary. (WI)This course serves as a capstone seminar in which students will demonstrate expertise in a selected area of exercise and sport science. A student may take one of these concurrently with the permission of the instructor. SOCI 4303. The theory and application of heat transfer in engineering applications will be studied. Prerequisite(s): GOVT 2305, GOVT 2306. Study basic international business concepts, cultural literacy, and discipline specific content applied to practical experiences and activities in the visited foreign country. Supervisory Management. FIN 4388. PSYC 5388. Examine nature and development of standardized tests, with emphasis on ethical standards, psychometric theory, test standards, and test construction. Prerequisite(s): CIS 3347 or permission of department chair. Acquiring a new marketing-related position after approval of the internship or the approval of experiences beyond the scope of the student's present job. Examine and critique anthropological theories, ethnographies, and literature pertaining to the study of religious phenomena, including myth and ritual, altered states, healing, bewitching, and religious practitioners. F A 3347. Learn how to present a company and its products to prospective customers, to promote need-satisfying attributes of products toward the end of facilitating sales, and long-run performance. Gain instruction and supervision in the assessment of emotional, motivational, interpersonal, and attitudinal characteristics of children and adults. Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3301, Faculty Sponsorship, and permission of department chair. 3 Credit Hours. Engage in independent research, reading and discussions under the personal direction of the instructor, topics may vary according to student need. The major direction of this course will be on clinical application of findings that underlie pathogenesis and provide a basis for evidence-based practice. Prerequisite(s): COUN 5350 and COUN 5356 or permission of department chair. Unified Modeling Language. Includes technology for music teachers. POLI 5305. 3 Credit Hours. After emergency repairs, crews pumped out about 2,000 US gallons (7,600 l) of water per minute out of the ship for more than 15 hours. The Age of Jackson from 1815-1848. 1-3 Credit Hours. EDUC 5302. 3 Credit Hours. Information Systems Seminar. CIS 4380. 3 Credit Hours. Learn to develop a new business venture using the business model canvas. Technology will be incorporated where appropriate. Sociology of Aging. Topics include malware morphology, disassembly of malware, ethical hacking methods on systems including penetration, and trends in the threat-scape. A materials fee of $45 is required for needed course materials. Apply anthropology to religion through a study of ethnographies, and literature pertaining to the study of religious phenomena. Adult Education. Review One-Way and Two-Factor ANOVA. Explore and use Web technology in educational settings. 11.17.21- An Undisputable Truth: The World Still Needs Oil And Gas Tsvetana Paraskova. 3 Credit Hours. 4 Credit Hours. EDUC 4330. A wide range of career options in music will be explored. The minimum age to get your private pilot’s license is 17 years old, but you can solo (fly by yourself without carrying passengers) at 16 years old. Standardized assessment of the cognitive and adaptive behavior abilities of exceptional students. All comprehensive examinations will be written, but an oral component may also be required. Prerequisites: Recommended that students take History of Russia and Eastern Europe to 1917 Required: 6 hours HIST or permission of Department Chair. A study of representative types of pre-1500 literature in English. Field experience fee - $75 or Internship fee - $1500 (effective fall 2016). A demonstration of proficiency in the application of effective teaching practices and classroom management strategies is required. Non-thesis students should register for the comprehensive examination during their final semester of graduate coursework, or upon permission of advisor. Prerequisite(s): FIN 3301. Only one may be taken for credit. Medical Physics I. (WI) An in-depth study of one major literary period in literary history. Prerequisite(s): none. ENGL 5330. Special emphasis is placed on the development of a working knowledge of the history of school finance, current and emerging financial issues, litigation, budget development, fiscal policy, and accountability. Prerequisite(s): Varies with the topic or Permission of department chair. 3 Credit Hours. Examines the religious motivations, support, and tactics behind the phenomena of domestic and foreign terrorism. Histories, definitions, etiologies, and characteristics are examined in conjunction with teaching methods for academics and social skills as well as effective inclusive practices. 3 Credit Hours. A minimum of 250 hours on-site is required. [10], Following overhaul, Texas resumed duty with the Atlantic Fleet early in 1919. Includes a survey of the cognitive, socio-cultural, linguistic, and motivational influences on literacy and language development. FIN 4306. CIS 5376. SOCI 4305. Second course in a two semester sequence. (WI) Examine advanced technical communication in psychology. Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1406. ECON 4388. Analyze models of the reading and writing processes. CIS 4360. 3 Credit Hours. This includes study of the seminal texts and theorists in the theory of study. Special emphasis on prehistory, subsistence, economic anthropology, political anthropology, cultural eras, the rise of state societies, and kinship systems. At 07:10 on 4 June, the taskforce had to reverse course due to unacceptable weather in Normandy. CRIJ 4303. Private Pilot’s License EDTE 3300. CIS 5398. Prerequisite(s): NURS 3300. 3 Credit Hours. May be repeated once for credit when topics vary. Marketing Strategy. Explore required readings from current marketing publications and other related periodicals. Accounting Problems. Prerequisite(s): CRIJ 3305, CRIJ 3310 and CRIJ 4316. Credit for both FIN 5308 and ECON 5308 will not be awarded. Prerequisite(s): 6 hours of HIST or permission of department chair. Governmental Accounting. 3 Credit Hours. EDUC 5360. MGMT 4370. 3 Credit Hours. Thesis student do not take this examination. Intermediate Photography. Curriculum for Early Childhood. Evaluate samples of English literature alluding to classical Greek mythology, and understand the cultural significance of myth within classical Greek society. Special emphasis on theoretical structure, social and historical context, interaction with other art forms, instrumentation, and others. Primary emphasis is on the modular view of the mind and its consequences for both L1 and L2 language acquisition.
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